Information for professionals 

Table of contents 

Information for professionals 

Fami­ly for­ma­tion with the help of donor game­tes dif­fers from the ordi­na­ry way of beco­ming a fami­ly because a donor’s game­tes have been used in the fer­ti­li­ty treat­ments. A pro­fes­sio­nal must know how to sup­port parents to be open about the donor game­te background because accor­ding to the fer­ti­li­ty treat­ment law of 2007, the donors of the donor concep­tion treat­ments are regis­te­red in Fin­land and the child has a right to find out the game­te donor’s infor­ma­tion after they turn 18.  

Special points to note in the work of a midwife or in maternity and child health clinics 

  • The rea­sons behind child­less­ness can affect the well­being of the mot­her or the baby during preg­nancy. 
  • Fears during preg­nancy and the fear of losing the child are com­mon for people that have expe­rienced invo­lun­ta­ry child­less­ness. 
  • Many parents that have expe­rienced child­less­ness think that they do not have the right to feel tired or dis­sa­tis­fied because they final­ly have a child. That is why many do not ask for help that they may need. 
  • Donor-concei­ved children and their parents may need special sup­port to process the ori­gins of the child and to talk about the donor background. 
  • The best way to meet a per­son that has expe­rienced child­less­ness is to bring it up and ask for more infor­ma­tion res­pect­ful­ly. 

Material for maternity and child health clinics

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